Tom and Jerry is an American animated series production that tells the story of a cat named Tom and a mouse named Jerry are always fighting.
The animated cartoon series for children was first produced in 1940 and then discontinued in 1957 simultaneously with the closing of animation production house Tom and Jerry before eventually re-produced in Hollywood in 1963.
The storyline in every short story is usually centered on the efforts undertaken Tom impossible to catch Jerry, accompanied by a variety of physical conflict and material damage.
Tom is a cat house bluish gray (Tom coat color is very similar to the Russian Blue cat coat color) that live in the indulgence, while Jerry is a small brown mouse who always stayed close to where Tom lives.
Tom is very quick-tempered and irritable, while Jerry is a free-living character and very good at taking a chance.
The animated cartoon series for children was first produced in 1940 and then discontinued in 1957 simultaneously with the closing of animation production house Tom and Jerry before eventually re-produced in Hollywood in 1963.
The storyline in every short story is usually centered on the efforts undertaken Tom impossible to catch Jerry, accompanied by a variety of physical conflict and material damage.
Tom is very quick-tempered and irritable, while Jerry is a free-living character and very good at taking a chance.
Tom rarely successful catching Jerry, mainly due to the versatility and agility Jerry and Tom's own stupidity. Tom usually beat Jerry when the mouse is causing a problem or when Jerry had acted outrageous.
Below you can downloads a few Tom and Jerry coloring pages for print out and coloring at home. There was some Tom and Jerry coloring page printable likes when Tom and Jerry fighting, when they were dancing and more.